What is telehealth?

Telehealth is the delivery of health services via the internet. It usually involves an online video consultation with a health professional.

How does it work?

Bookings can be made online, via telephone or email.

You will be screened for suitability via questionnaire.

We will email you confirmation of your booking with setup recommendations and a link to access the online appointment conducted in a virtual private room.

Am I suitable for telehealth?

At the time of booking your initial consultation with Shellharbour Health we will send a questionnaire to verify your suitability. Some of the considerations include safety, suitability of technology and best model of care for the client. In some instances, a third party may be required to assist the client with their consultation.  If the service is unsuitable, we will make alternate recommendations.

Is my telehealth consultation private?

Yes, telehealth services are conducted via an encrypted portal providing a virtual private room between you and your practitioner only.

The service may be recorded for record keeping purposes and become part of your medical file. Shellharbour Health will seek your consent prior to recording.

Shellharbour Health adhere to strict professional standards of data security and privacy protocols for clinic based and telehealth consultation.

How much does it cost?

Fees are the same as clinic-based care. For further information please contact reception.

How do I pay?

Payments are required prior to consultation.

Private consultation payments can be made at the time of booking online, via credit card over the phone or via direct debit transfer – contact reception for details.

Is telehealth covered by third parties such as health funds, Medicare, workcover etc.?

Health Funds – As of April 6th 2020 some health funds will cover telehealth services. Please check with your fund.

DVA – Effective April 1st DVA have approved telehealth services. (excluding group consultation) The conditions are the same as a clinic-based appointments.

NDIS – Yes telehealth services are covered under the NDIS

SIRA – CTP and Workcover NSW appointments are redeemable via telehealth

Medicare – EPC consults are redeemable via telehealth and require an Enhanced Primary Health Plan from your GP.  These telehealth sessions are currently bulk billed by Shellharbour Health to support our customers during the corona virus pandemic.

What telehealth/remote services are available at Shellharbour Health?

  • Physiotherapy
  • Dietetics
  • Clinical Pilates
  • Exercise rehabilitation
  • Personal training
  • Pilates mat classes

What are the benefits of telehealth consultation?

  • Assess your condition
  • Request scans/tests
  • Diagnose the problem
  • Provide treatment strategies
  • Educate re self-management
  • Prescribe exercises / meal plans
  • Recommend aides/ accessories
  • Set goals

Telehealth services are ideal for: –

  • Time poor clients
  • Convenience
  • Remote consultation (when you can’t attend the clinic)
  • Early intervention for acute conditions (for guidance toward an optimal result)
  • Ongoing rehab to achieve your health goals.

Doesn’t physiotherapy require hands on treatment to be effective?

Physiotherapy is not just hands on treatment. Physiotherapists are movement facilitators – optimizing flexibility, strength and control to achieve your physical and mental health goals. A large component of physiotherapy is exercise prescription and education. They can also advise self-management techniques/ strategies.

Telehealth empowers the individual to achieve their lifestyle goals via their physio coach.

Is there any evidence pertaining to the efficacy of telehealth services?

Yes, there is. Multiple studies have been undertaken demonstrating in particular greater client satisfaction and better adherence to exercise plans.There is strong evidence to support the use of telehealth consultation for : –

  • Osteoarthritis and chronic joint conditions
  • Rehabilitation post joint replacement
  • Cardiac rehabilitation
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation

Please consult reception for further detail.

What do I require to undertake a telehealth consult?

  • Desktop computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone device
  • Stable internet connection
  • Web-Camera (inbuilt or freestanding) **
  • Microphone or speakers (inbuilt or freestanding) **

** Recommended but not essential

Please contact us if you have any further queries.

T: 0242954698
E: [email protected]

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